Latest research in the Journal of the American Medical Association, melitus diabetes epidemic is a threat to the Asia. The threat that more young people. Cause, changes in eating patterns from the healthy to the Western style of food and poor movement.
Diabetes is a disease with the threat of complications, the most complete. If you already fell ill, people can only control the disease with a healthy lifestyle.
If not restrained, a number of complications can come. Ranging from heart attack, stroke, Erectile Dysfunction, kidney failure, blindness, until the threat of concision as a member of the body off the comedians Rini S. Bonbon. Cost of treatment was so expensive.
Ditebar threat of diabetes according to research published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) has reached a global level. People with diabetes are mentioned in the journals meroket from 240 million in the year 2007 will be 380 million in the year 2025. Bad news, 60 percent of the amount that is in Asia.
Data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) said, diabetesi (pengidap diabetes) in India is estimated meroket of 40 million people so close to 70 million, while in China from 39 million to 59 million. In Bangladesh, the estimate also increased, from 3.8 million to be 7.4 million people.
Do not rush relieved. Number of diabetesi in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and other Asian countries also increased. IDF estimates, in the country in 2007 there were 2.8 million diabetesi at age 20-79 years. And education policy without an adequate number of diabetesi in Indonesia will rival other Asian countries.
Eating too much
The trend increase in the number of diabetesi in Asia because it is estimated that lifestyle. Asia later this is the area that began to grow and prosper. Stephen Cobett, professor School of Public Health from the University of Sydney says the Asia began to experience an adequate food supply and adopted a style of eating from the Western world.
"For thousands of years most of the Chinese, Indonesian, Indian farmers are subsistence farmers or the pas-pasan panennya fend for themselves. Lack of food can occur for months in a year," he said.
In time less than 50 years, the Asian food menu changes paspasan of jor-fishing rod into the pattern of eating the Western world. "In fact, the European experience during the evolution of 150 to 200 years to have a change in eating patterns such as this. According to me, diabetes is the direct result of changes in eating patterns that," said Corbett is not involved with research in the United States.
The findings are very surprising from the research that was published in JAMA is the age and body mass diabetesi in Asia. In continental Western Europe and North America, obesity has been established as the main factor that causes the disease came the type-2 diabetes.
Big belly
In Asia, the progress of development bring economic prosperity. Asian people make this change eating patterns and activities. Life so much easier so that it does not need to sweat, while the abundant food.
This condition causes stomach Asian average so bloated. The stomach was distended rapidly bring the disease such as diabetes. Fat in the stomach over dangerous because saving energy and release chemical substances that control metabolism and the use of insulin.
According to the research, Asian people with body mass index (IMT) is not lower segendut the North America. However, the JAMA study said that with lower IMT, the prevalence of Asia have the same or even higher for diabetes compared with the suffering people in the Western hemisphere.
It is more surprising is the age diabetesi trends in Asia. In Europe and North America, diabetes affects people aged between 60 to 79 years. Trends in diabetes in Asia suffer the age of 20 to 50 years.
Sweet effects
Patterns of consumption such as what makes people vulnerable Asia is exposed to diabetes? No specific research can be. However, the pattern of eating so many IM suspected cause.
Beverage consumption may be very sweet, so a friend to eat fried chicken and French fries in fast food restaurants should be suspected as the cause quickly fell ill and bloated diabetes.
Studies in the early Bloomberg School, the U.S., projects that 75 percent of adults in the country adidaya that excess body weight or Obesity as sweet drink consumption. Due to obesity, the two-thirds of adults have a increased risk for type two diabetes.
Research never find a relationship between beverage consumption and changes in body weight. Results of research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that weight down quickly if the consumption of sweet drinks berkalori. Impact on the sweet drink, body weight among 810 men and women who are in Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Durnham, and Portland.
"Among a number of drinks, which are the type of sweetener that has a significant impact on changes in body weight. The research we support the policy recommendation to reduce the Feed calories in the form of liquid," said Dr. Liwei Chen, epidemiology expert at the Lousiana State University's School of Public Health, who is chairman of research.
Results of research that indicates a specific reduction in calorie liquid Feed associated with a reduction in body weight of 0.25 kg for six months and 0.24 kg for 18 days.
Among the drinks that are given sweetener, a reduction of course drink a day associated with a decrease in body weight of 0.5 kg over six months and 0.7 kg for 18 days. Of nine types of beverages examined, given the drink sweetener showed a significant change in body weight.
Studies concerning this sweet drink examine 810 adults age 25 to 79 years for 18 months. This study is a random, controlled, with behavioral interventions.
Weight and height of the object of research is measured using scales and measuring instruments terkalibrasi. Research is also involved Dr. Benjamen Caballero as head of research and a professor from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of International Health.
Feed food research measured the participants through the interview by phone. The researchers divide into multiple beverage categories based on the actual calories and composition nutrisinya, namely berkalori sweet drinks such as soft drink, fruit drinks, fruit punch or high-calorie drinks that are sugar, diet drinks that were given artificial sweetener, milk, fruit juice original, coffee and tea with sugar, coffee and tea without sugar, and alcoholic beverages.
Research is explicitly recommended to reduce the consumption of beverages berkalori, especially sweet drinks.
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nice artikle, thanks.